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Contents  Preface 6  About the Author 7  1 Introduction 8 1.1 Public Speaking in the Business World 8 1.2 Personal …

Course Access

Unlimited Duration

Last Updated

February 25, 2024

Students Enrolled

Total Video Time

444 years, 4 months

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Preface 6 

About the Author 7 

1 Introduction 8

1.1 Public Speaking in the Business World 8

1.2 Personal and Social Benefits of Public Speaking 9 

2 Evolution of Public Speaking 10

2.1 What is public speaking? 10

2.2 Three Parts of Persuasion by Aristotle. 10

2.3 Cicero’s Five Canons of Rhetoric 12

2.4 Modern Elements of Public Speaking 12

2.5 Three Styles of Speech 13 3 Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking 14

3.1 Introduction 14

3.2 The Hidden Psychology behind the Fear of Public Speaking 15

3.3 Two Biggest Myths about the Fear of Public Speaking 15 

4 Components of a Successful Speech 18

4.1 Introduction 18

4.2 Storytelling 18

4.4 Tone of voice 21

4.5 The Power of Pause 26

4.6 Visual aids 28 5 The Three P’s of a Successful Speech 34

5.1 Introduction 34

5.2 Preparation 34

5.3 A Vital Step before the Speech Preparation 34

5.4 Finding time to Prepare Your Speech 36

5.5 SMART Speech Preparation 36

5.6 Practice 42

5.7 Performance 44 

6 References

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Divine Moyo


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Course Currilcum

    • Preface Unlimited
    • About the Author Unlimited
    • 1.1 Public Speaking in the Business World Unlimited
    • 1.2 Personal and Social Benefits of Public Speaking Unlimited
    • 2.1 What is public speaking? Unlimited
    • 2.2 Three Parts of Persuasion by Aristotle. Unlimited
    • 2.3 Cicero’s Five Canons of Rhet Unlimited
    • 2.4 Modern Elements of Public Speaking Unlimited
    • 2.5 Three Styles of Speech Unlimited
    • 3.1 Introduction Unlimited
    • 3.2 The Hidden Psychology behind the Fear of Public Speaking Unlimited
    • 3.3 Two Biggest Myths about the Fear of Public Speaking Unlimited
    • 3.4. 5 Ways to Transform the Public Speaking Fear into Excitement Unlimited
    • 4.1 Introduction Unlimited
    • 4.2 Storytelling Unlimited
    • 4.4 Tone of voice Unlimited

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