
As a Microsoft Azure AI engineer, you build, manage, and deploy AI solutions that leverage Azure AI.

$85,00 per month
Course Access

4 weeks, 2 days

Last Updated

January 15, 2024

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Certification details 

Our responsibilities include participating in all phases of AI solutions development, including:

  • Requirements definition and design
  • Development
  • Deployment
  • Integration
  • Maintenance
  • Performance tuning
  • Monitoring

You work with solution architects to translate their vision. You also work with data scientists, data engineers, Internet of Things (IoT) specialists, infrastructure administrators, and other software developers to:

  • Build complete and secure end-to-end AI solutions.
  • Integrate AI capabilities in other applications and solutions.

As an Azure AI engineer, you have experience developing solutions that use languages such as:

  • Python
  • C#

You should be able to use Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs and SDKs to build secure image processing, video processing, natural language processing, knowledge mining, and generative AI solutions on Azure. You should:

  • Understand the components that make up the Azure AI portfolio and the available data storage options.
  • Be able to apply responsible AI principles.
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Collins Chapusha
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