
If you’re hoping to move into positions that require skills in employee recruitment and training, or knowledge of labour relations, organizational behaviour, health and safety.
It’s practical training in critical HR functions, from payroll and benefits to recruitment and labour relations. Take the program to develop in-demand knowledge and skills in the growing field of human resources management.

$66,99 per month
Course Access

3 months

Last Updated

January 15, 2024

Students Enrolled

Total Video Time

555 years, 6 months

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The Human Resources Management certificate program is offered on a course-by-course basis through The School of Continuing Education on evenings and Saturdays, as well as through distance education. You’ll study key areas in HR management such as:

  • Compensation and benefits
  • Conflict management
  • Employee and labour relations
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Training and development
  • Leadership development
  • Project management

Courses integrate demonstrations, projects and practical exercises to help you translate theory into practice. For example, you’ll develop a proposal to help management enhance employee relations; you’ll discuss current trends in labour relations; you’ll use role-play to develop conflict resolution skills; you’ll participate in simulations and experiential exercises to build practical skills.

Career and salary information

Your career

Human resources professionals work for large companies, municipalities, government departments, health authorities, university and school systems. You might start as an entry-level HR assistant, or you might move into a general management position that demands HR skills. Your certificate prepares you to work in different areas of human resources management, including classifications, recruitment, benefits, employment equity, job analysis, employee relations, staff training and administration.

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Collins Chapusha
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More Courses by Insturctor

Course Currilcum

    • Introductory Financial Accounting 1 Unlimited
    • Organizational Behaviour Unlimited
    • Conflict Management Unlimited
    • Introduction to Human Resource Management Unlimited
    • Strategic Human Resources Management Unlimited
    • Foundations of Talent Acquisition Unlimited
    • Talent Selection Unlimited
    • Training and Development Foundations Unlimited
    • Training and Development Delivery Unlimited
    • Strategic Compensation Unlimited
    • Employee and Labour Relations Unlimited
    • Creating Healthy Organizations Unlimited
    • Leadership Development Unlimited
    • Organizational Change Unlimited
    • Entrepreneurship Unlimited
    • Business Communications Unlimited
    • Project Management Unlimited
    • Marketing Research Unlimited
    • Public Relations Unlimited
    • Digital Marketing Unlimited
    • Assignment 1 week, 3 days
    • Test 00:05:00

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