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Discover how balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements are developed and how each interact
Evaluate the financial health of a business using financial statements
Understand GAAP and IFRS standards
Prepare and evaluate financial forecasts to make strategic decisions
Value a venture, project, or investment opportunity and perform a sensitivity analysis

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3 months

Last Updated

January 15, 2024

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In this course you will learn how accounting fundamentals work. You will also use the full accounting cycle to enhance business reporting and decision making.

You will also analyze accounting concepts applied within different business scenarios, analyze financial statements and other related business practices to improve organizational effectiveness, and engage in collaborative exercises to find opportunities that improve and optimize an organization’s accounting processes.

The program offers specialized knowledge in accounting policy choices and the criteria by which such choices are made, as well as develops skills in analyzing financial statements. You will learn how managers use accounting information to make effective business decisions and study different types of reports, financial statements and analytical tools which may be used by managers to effectively plan, coordinate, evaluate and monitor performance of an organization.

Culminating in a Capstone course, the Accounting specialization requires you to demonstrate the financial and managerial accounting knowledge acquired in earlier coursework and complete a comprehensive auditing project.

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Collins Chapusha
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