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Ace the game creation process from concept to production. Learn to design and program your video games in a simulated studio environment. Work alongside driven peers and accomplished game creators.

Network with industry professionals inside and outside the classroom. Develop a complete portfolio of work that showcases your know-how to prospective employers. Graduate confident that you can score that dream job with a major gaming studio.

$79,00 per month
Course Access

4 months

Last Updated

February 17, 2024

Students Enrolled

Total Video Time

27 years, 9 months

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Ace the game creation process from concept to production. Learn to design and program your video games in a simulated studio environment. Work alongside driven peers and accomplished game creators. 

Game Programming advanced diploma program focuses on programming, as you will learn to master coding to build games, from indie to AAA. The program is designed for students who are passionate about game development, programming, and math. You will develop a robust skillset in C++ programming, graphics (SDL, OpenGL and Vulkan), mathematics, physics, artificial intelligence, Unreal/Unity game engine, and networking. Through individual and team projects, you will gain hands-on experience using programming tools to create games while focusing on critical concepts such as game engine architecture, memory management, and agile development methodologies.

You will work with peers in the Animation-3D advanced diploma and the Bachelor of Music degree program during game jams, external projects, and/or semester long in-class projects as you build the vital collaboration skills needed by the games industry.

You will graduate with a significant mid-program project and capstone project to demonstrate your ability to create your own C++ game engine as well as coding talents using game engines (such as Unity or Unreal).

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Divine Moyo


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Course Currilcum

    • Contents 00:05:00
    • Preface 00:05:00
    • Introduction to Game Development 00:05:00
    • Why Make Games 00:10:00
    • What Makes Game Development Hard 00:10:00
    • Game Project Survival Test 00:05:00
    • What Is a Game Made Of 00:10:00
    • Business Context First 00:05:00
    • Key Design Elements 00:30:00
    • Game Design Document 00:30:00
    • The Technical Design Document 00:20:00
    • The Project Plan 00:30:00
    • Task Tracking 00:10:00
    • Outsourcing Strategies 00:20:00
    • Shipping Your Game 00:10:00
    • Game Development 00:10:00
    • Requirements Gathering 00:10:00
    • The Design Document 00:20:00
    • Unified Modeling Language Survival Guide 00:20:00
    • Technical Design 00:20:00
    • Time Estimates 00:05:00
    • Putting It All Together into a Plan 00:05:00
    • Measuring Progress 00:20:00
    • Controlling Feature Creep 00:10:00
    • Alpha, Beta, Go Final Unlimited
    • Point Releases vs. Patches 00:10:00
    • Garage Development Spans the Internet 00:05:00
    • Getting a Job in the Game Industry 00:10:00
    • Starting a Game Development Company 00:20:00
    • Outsourcing Music 00:20:00
    • Outsourcing Voice 00:20:00
    • Outsourcing Sound Effects 00:20:00
    • Outsourcing Writing 00:10:00
    • Outsourcing Cinematics and Models 00:10:00
      • Outsourcing Motion Capture and Animation 00:10:00
      • Fan-Generated Material 00:10:00
      • Epilogue 00:05:00
      • Suggested Reading 00:10:00
      • The Art Institute of California—Orange County 00:10:00
      • Index 00:30:00

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