
Course Access

Unlimited Duration

Last Updated

January 22, 2024

Students Enrolled

Total Video Time

1 hour, 5 minutes

Posted by
Profile Photo
Divine Moyo


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Course Currilcum

    • What is Data Governance? 00:05:00
    • Data Governance and IT Governance 00:05:00
    • Why Use the DGI Data Governance Framework? 00:05:00
    • What Do You Want Data Governance to Accomplish? 00:05:00
    • Typical Data Governance Focus Areas 00:05:00
    • Your Focus and Your Stakeholders 00:05:00
    • Working Toward Your Goals With a Data Governance Life Cycle Methodology 00:05:00
    • Framework Components in Detail 00:05:00
    • Data Governance Components that Deal With Rules and “Rules of Engagement” 00:05:00
    • Data Governance Components that Deal With People and Organizational Bodies 00:05:00
    • The Process of Governing Data 00:05:00
    • Challenges 00:05:00
    • Getting Started 00:05:00

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