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Introduces advances in Big Data and AI in Digital Finance that enable scalable, real-time analytics

Explains the merits of Blockchain in digital finance, including applications beyond the blockbuster cryptocurrencies

Illustrates the regulatory environment of the financial sector, presenting solutions to boost compliance

$69,99 per month
Course Access

4 months

Last Updated

January 15, 2024

Students Enrolled

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Course Overview This course expands on concepts introduced in Introduction to FinTech with an in-depth investigation of Artificial Intelligence and the use of Big Data in the banking and financial services industries. Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the origins of AI and machine learning technology and the technological principals which underpin the systems and the various practical applications. The course will review the important impacts that the adoption of these technologies may have on traditional business practices as well as society and the regulatory environment. The course provides students with the comprehensive knowledge to enable them to assess and evaluate the use of AI and machine learning technologies in industry and business applications. Course Overview
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Collins Chapusha
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