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This course will describe some algorithmic techniques developed for handling large amounts of data that is often available in limited ways. Topics that will be covered include data stream algorithms, sampling and sketching techniques, and sparsification, with applications to signals, matrices, and graphs. Emphasis will be on the theoretical aspects of the design and analysis of such algorithms.

This version of the course is directed at senior level undergraduate students and beginning graduate students, and hence will not assume background in randomized algorithms.

Course Access

2 months

Last Updated

January 15, 2024

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This course provides a survey of computer algorithms, examines fundamental techniques in algorithm design and analysis, and develops problem-solving skills required in all programs of study involving data science. Topics include advanced data structures for data science (tree structures, disjoint set data structures), algorithm analysis and computational complexity (recurrence relations, big-O notation, introduction to complexity classes (P, NP and NP-completeness)), data transformations (FFTs, principal component analysis), design paradigms (divide and conquer, greedy heuristic, dynamic programming), and graph algorithms (depth-first and breadth-first search, ordered and unordered trees). Advanced topics are selected from among the following: approximation algorithms, computational geometry, data preprocessing methods, data analysis, linear programming, multi-threaded algorithms, matrix operations, and statistical learning methods. The course will draw on applications from Data Science.
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Collins Chapusha
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