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Advance beyond tactics and learn social media marketing on a strategic level social media Marketing Strategy will equip you with the latest tactics, tools, and trends to acquire and retain customers, position your brand for success, and develop data-driven strategies.

Course Access

4 months

Last Updated

January 25, 2024

Students Enrolled


Total Video Time

5 days, 11 hours

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Get the training you need to stay ahead with expert-led courses on Social Media MarketingLaunch your career as a Social Media Marketer. Build job-ready skills for an in-demand career and earn a credential from Moyosmarthis program in social media marketing teaches students how to take advantage of these data-driven digital marketing platforms. This course teaches principles and strategies for working with social media management platforms. Graduates also gain experience in creating real social media campaigns. This comprehensive program teaches fundamental knowledge and strategies for social media marketing. Learn how to attract a following, make successful written and visual content, and create advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, and other popular platforms.
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Collins Chapusha
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    • Understanding the Two ROIs of Social Media Details 00:05:00
    • The Power of Social Media Details 00:05:00
    • Beloved Brands Thrive in Social Media Details 00:05:00
    • Leveraging the Network Effect Details 00:05:00
    • Three Vital Ingredients and “Social Proof” Details 00:05:00
    • Setting Goals and Tactics Details 00:05:00
    • Customer Service 2.0 Details 00:05:00
    • How to Calculate Social Media ROI Details 00:05:00
    • The Other ROI: Risk of Ignoring Details 00:05:00
    • Summary Details 00:05:00
    • What Makes for a Winning Program Details 00:05:00
    • What’s the Big Idea? Details 00:05:00
    • Social Media Strategy Details 00:05:00
    • One Channel, Many Functions Details 00:05:00
    • Planning Details 00:05:00
    • Pursuing and Cultivating “Influentials” Details 00:05:00
    • Promoting Your Online Community Details 00:05:00
    • Tapping the Network Effect Details 00:05:00
    • Summary Details 00:05:00
    • Buy Social Placements that Work—and Avoid the Money Pits Details 00:05:00
    • Your Social Ad Budget Details 00:05:00
    • Goals and Tests: Where Are Social Ad Dollars Going? Details 00:05:00
    • Measure Results—and Rebalance Details 00:05:00
    • Combatting Social Media Fatigue Details 00:05:00
    • Promotion and “Earned Media” Details 00:05:00
    • Don’t Go There Details 00:05:00
    • Summary Details 00:05:00
    • The Biggest Audience, the Most Ad Options—and Some Risks to Navigate Details 00:05:00
    • Managing Your Facebook Ads Details 00:05:00
    • External URLs Details 00:05:00
    • Facebook Object Ads Details 00:05:00
    • Page Post Ads Details 00:05:00
    • Promoted Posts Details 00:05:00
    • Adding Social Activity to Ads Details 00:05:00
    • Targeting Details 00:05:00
    • CPC or CPM? Details 00:05:00
    • Create Facebook Ads That Work Details 00:05:00
    • Local Businesses: Facebook Offers Details 00:05:00
    • Facebook Sponsored Search Results Details 00:05:00
    • Remarketing with Facebook Exchange Details 00:05:00
    • Custom Audiences Details 00:05:00
    • Action Spec Targeting Details 00:05:00
    • Facebook Premium Ads Details 00:05:00
    • Going Mobile Details 00:05:00
    • The New Stuff Details 00:05:00
    • Do Facebook Ads Really Work? Details 00:05:00
    • Summary Details 00:05:00
    • Running the Farm Details 00:05:00
    • Who Owns Social Media? Details 00:05:00
    • Planning Your Social Media Program Details 00:05:00
    • Budget Accurately Details 00:05:00
    • Social Media Certification Details 00:05:00
    • Building Your Social Media Dream Team Details 00:05:00
    • Choosing a Social Media Agency Details 00:05:00
    • Technology Infrastructure Details 00:05:00
    • Monitoring Tools Details 00:05:00
    • Publishing and Management Tools Details 00:05:00
    • Ad-Management Tools Details 00:05:00
    • Campaign Platforms Details 00:05:00
    • Analytics Platforms Details 00:05:00
    • Damage Control Details 00:05:00
    • Your Social Media Command Center Details 00:05:00
    • Summary Details 00:05:00
    • Tracking the Vital Signs and Demonstrating Results Details 00:05:00
    • What Are Your Goals? Details 00:05:00
    • What Is a Facebook Fan Really Worth? Details 00:05:00
    • Social Media Analytics Details 00:05:00
    • Your Online Community Details 00:05:00
    • Facebook Insights Details 00:05:00
    • Your Brand in the Social Sphere Details 00:05:00
    • Impact on Your Online Business Details 00:05:00
    • Impact on Your Offline Business Details 00:05:00
    • Brand Engagement Metrics Details 5 days
    • HootSuite Details 00:05:00
    • Radian6 Details 00:05:00
    • Other Platforms Details 00:05:00
    • It’s Only Anecdotal… Details 00:05:00
    • Anointing Your Influentials Details 00:05:00
    • Summary Details 00:05:00
    • Taking It to the Next Level Details 00:05:00
    • How the Network Effect Can Turbocharge Your Marketing Details 00:05:00
    • Advocacy and Social Marketing Platforms Details 00:05:00
    • To Discount, or Not to Discount? Details 00:05:00
    • Charitable Campaigns Details 00:05:00
    • Buzz: Word of Mouth, Promotion, and Going Viral Details 00:05:00
    • Case Studies Details 00:05:00
    • Helping Businesses Go Social Details 00:05:00
    • The Membership Effect Details 00:05:00
    • Summary Details 00:05:00
    • Integrating Social into Your Website Details 00:05:00
    • Your Website 2.0: Integrating with Social Networks Details 00:05:00
    • Facebook Social Plugins Details 00:05:00
    • Twitter Widgets and APIs Details 00:05:00
    • Third-Party Social Plugins Details 00:30:00
    • Summary Details 00:05:00
    • Web 3.0—Are We There Yet? Details 00:05:00
    • That Future Is Here: The Open Graph Details 00:05:00
    • Embedding Social Media Throughout the Enterprise Details 00:05:00
    • Summary Details 00:05:00
    • A Template for Documenting Your Social Media Plan Details 00:05:00
    • Executive Summary Details 00:05:00
    • Positioning Statement Details 00:05:00
    • Mission Details 00:00:05
    • Market Analysis Details 00:05:00
    • Competitive Analysis Details 00:05:00
    • Goals and Objectives Details 00:05:00
    • Social Media Strategy Details 00:05:00
    • Platforms Details 00:05:00
    • Staffing Plan Details 00:05:00
    • Marketing Plan Details 00:05:00
    • Budget Details 00:05:00
    • A To-Do List to Launch or Relaunch a Successful Program Details 00:05:00

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