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Conventional computing systems were based on centrally-administrated architecture. But,

such architecture was not appropriate for quick application development, neither was it

designed to support rapid changes in functionality. Moreover, the processes of developing a

new application system used to become complex, time-consuming and expensive.

Then the concept of component based application development (CBD) model emerged. It

had many goals similar to SOA. A component is a software object which is meant to interact

with other components. Components are used to represent basic system functionalities, those

which collaborate with other components. CBD promotes decomposition and reusability. It

also increases productivity, quality and decreases the time-to-market. But interoperability is

the issue that could not be handled with this system development model.

With the widespread adoption of heterogeneous distributed systems, the need for

application interoperability appeared. Heterogeneous system refers to the ability of integrating

multiple type (cross architecture and/or cross vendor) of one or more computing resources (like

processor) into a single computing environment. Cloud computing system is the ultimate

outcome of heterogeneity. It allows incorporation of heterogeneous hardware platforms as

well as operating systems. Hence an architectural approach was required for applications

that could fit into such environment. Service-oriented architectural approach for applicationbuilding has fulfilled the requirement. It supports interoperability along with modularity and


Service-oriented architecture is a paradigm for application development.

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