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❖ Cloud service management activities are classified in three parts by NIST as business support,

provisioning-configuration, and portability-interoperability.

❖ Vendors offer various cloud management tools for consumers. These tools focus on different

aspects of cloud management like resource provisioning, policy management, performance

monitoring etc.

FIG 19.12: Aneka MapReduce Programming Model

Distributed File System

Split 1

Split 2

Split 3

Split 4


Execution Module


Execution Module


Execution Module


Scheduling Module

Output Files



MapReduce Application

Input Data File

Input Data File

Input Data File

Input Data File

Client System

Aneka Cloud348

Cloud Computing

❖ It becomes difficult for consumers to find one best or complete tool for managing their cloud

environment. The choices should be driven by the requirements.

❖ Few companies have come up with vendor-neutral cloud management solutions that

consumers can use to manage infrastructure in cloud deployments.

❖ Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) has introduced an open-standard interface

specification for cloud infrastructure management (known as Cloud Infrastructure

Management Interface (CIMI)) which promises to ease cloud management tasks.

❖ The share of cloud management responsibilities varies between provider and consumer at

different levels of service. For IaaS consumers, the responsibility is maximum.

❖ Consumer’s control over any cloud environment is minimum when they operate

in public cloud deployment. Private cloud deployment provides full control to its


❖ Migration of enterprise application into cloud may happen in different forms. In the simplest

form, original application is directly moved into cloud. Cost and effort increase when

complete applications have to be re-architected, re-designed and re-coded.

❖ Service is the core unit of cloud computing. Cloud service lifecycle comprises six different

phases. The process starts with creation of service template and ends with the termination of


❖ The SLAs play an important role in cloud service management. SLAs go through five phases in

their lifecycle.

❖ Providers can maintain two types of SLAs with consumers. One is related to infrastructure

related issues and the other one concerns the quality of the hosted application.

❖ Programming over any cloud environment is empowered by each cloud’s support, with its

enriched set of unique functionalities.

❖ Aneka is a PaaS facility that has a special feature for providing support to three different

programming models: task programming, thread programming and MapReduce


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