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The utility service model of cloud computing requires maintaining a huge amount of all types of computing resources to provide different services to consumers. For this purpose, cloud service providers create a pool of computing resources. Effective pooling or grouping of resources requires appropriate system designing and architectural planning. Resource pooling in the cloud needs the setting up of strategies by providers for categorizing and managing resources. Before the resource pooling concept appeared, earlier people used to maintain a discrete and independent set of resources known as silos. In traditional computing model, the silos are made with very little or no interconnections. On the other hand in cloud computing, the consumers use a well-connected pool of computing resources. They gain almost no knowledge or control over the locations from where physical resources are allotted to them. In its out-of-best scenario, the providers sometimes ask for a choice of geographic location (country or continent) from where a consumer wants to get resources. But this choice is only possible in the case of large service providers who have centers in multiple geographic locations around the world.

Unlike traditional silos, cloud computing delivers resources to consumers in a transparent manner from pools of computing resources. Consumers remain unaware of the actual resource locations.


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