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There are many cloud storage services available for developers of computing provided by

reputed service providers. Elastic Block Store (EBS) and Simple Storage Service (S3) provided

by Amazon, Cloud Storage Service offered by Google and Cloud Block Storage of Rackspace

are few examples of such services which provide reliable and high-performance storage

service. These are called as ‘managed storage services’ in the sense that consumers have greater

control over the storage spaces and they need to manage the storage as per their requirements.

Following are brief descriptions about few such storages.

13.7.1 Amazon’s Elastic Block Store

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) provides block level storage volumes for use with Amazon

EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instances (servers). EBS was introduced for general public by

Amazon in 2008. Block level storages can be used to create raw storage volumes which can be

attached with the servers. Variety of file systems like NTFS (for windows OS) or ext4 (for Linux

OS) can be run on the block level storage. EBS is like a massive SAN (Storage Area Network)

under the AWS infrastructure. Delivered storage volume size goes up to TB in size.

13.7.2 Amazon’s Simple Storage Service

Simple Storage Service (S3) was introduced by Amazon as a cost-effective web service solution

for developers in the year 2006. In S3, files are stored as objects and those objects are stored into

the containers called as ‘buckets’. Object size can go up to few terabytes and trillions of objects

are stored per month as reported by Amazon. S3 can be used together with Amazon’s virtual

server Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

13.7.3 Google’s Cloud Storage

The persistence storage attached with Google’s cloud server Google Compute Engine (GCE)

is the Cloud Storage of Google. There data are stored as objects and objects are stored into

containers called as the ‘buckets’ as well. Objects can be of terabytes in size and does not have

a size limit. Billing in Google Cloud Storage is calculated as per storage usages as well as the

bandwidth usage on monthly basis.

13.7.4 Rackspace’s Cloud Block Storage

Rackspace’s Cloud Block Storage is a block-level storage solution and is associated with

Rackspace Cloud Server. But users can create or delete multiple storage volumes independentto the cloud servers they are attached with. Storage volume size in Cloud Block Storage may

range up to TB. The storage service is charged as per gigabytes of storage used per month.

Cloud storage delivered for developers are referred as ‘managed’ in nature, as they can be

managed by the users. Users can divide or format them as needed.

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