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Jericho Forum Group

TheJericho Forum was formed in 2004 as an international IT security association of companies,vendors, government groups and academics whose mission was to improve the security ofglobal open-network computing environment.In the early years of the current century, the corporate network boundaries were fastbecoming blurred as enterprises started to work in collaboration with third-party computingvendors through Internet. In 2003, a group of concernedCISOs (Chief Information SecurityOfficers) formed a forum to discuss this issue. This initiative later emerged as ‘Jericho ForumGroup’. In 2004, Jericho Forum officially announced its existence and set its office in UK. Theterm â€˜de-perimeterization’ was first coined by a member of this group to describe the blurringnetwork boundaries. The forum concentrated to find a security solution for thecollaborativecomputingenvironment. In 2009, this forum proposed a security model for cloud computingthat has been accepted as the global standard. Later, The Jericho Forum became a part ofanother vendor-neutral industry  consortium entitled as ‘TheOpen Group’ and declared itsclosure in 2013 as their objectives were fulfilled

Jericho Forum was an international consortium formed with the objective of addressingconcerns related to de-perimeterized computing environment

The collaborations among different groups have contributed positively in development ofcloud security framework. For instance on several occasions,Jericho Forum and the CloudSecurity Alliance had worked together to promote best practices for secured collaborationin the cloud. Initiatives and recommendations from many other organizations andinformal groups have also contributed in developing a standard cloud security model.Major contributions regarding this have come fromNational Institute of Standards andTechnology (NIST),European Union Agency for Network and Information Security(ENISA),Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF),Open Cloud Consortium (OCC) andtheObject Management Group (OMG)

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