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How to Make a Cloud Service Trusted

The trust building initiative in cloud computing is responsibility of the service providers.They need to identify processes to strengthen the trust between them and the consumers.Consumers may be interested in security implementation approaches but it is neither a possibleoption nor even feasible for the providers to share the security measures with consumers indetails. However, the service consumers can query regarding their doubts to assess securityrisks before adopting the service.A more appropriate and feasible option for the service providers is to secure securitycertification for their cloud services from one or more internationally recognized reviewerorganizations. ‘Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR)’ from CSA is one of suchcertification programs offered byCloud Security Alliance (CSA). These certificates act as qualitystamps and guarantee for the secured services. These give the confidence to the consumers toadopt the services.Larger cloud providers like Google,Amazon andMicrosoft have already taken steps tobring transparency regarding security management. Cloud computing is in its initial days andmay bring security concerns among consumers. But, it cannot be denied that most of the usersbeing managed by the experts of reputed service providers have been better protected in cloudenvironment than when they used to manage their own security.

Reputation or trust building is a time taking process and larger cloud providers have alreadytaken measures to establish this trust

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