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Consumers can avail database facility in cloud in two forms. First one is the general database

solution that is implemented through installation of some database solution on IaaS (virtual

machine delivered as IaaS). The other one is delivered by service providers as database-as

a-service where the vendor fully manages the backend administration jobs like installation,

security management and resource assignment tasks.

In the first approach, the users can deploy database applications on cloud virtual machines

like any other applications software. Apart from this, the ready-made machine images supplied

by the vendors are also available with per-installed and pre-configured databases. For example,

Amazon provides ready-made EC2 machine image with pre-installed Oracle Database.

In the Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) model, the operational burden of provisioning,

configuration, backup facilities are managed by the service operators. While the earlier

described (first) approach is similar implementation of database solutions over cloud

infrastructure where the users used to deploy them over traditional computers; the DBaaS

approach provides the actual flavour of cloud computing to database users.


Cloud Computing

Users can deploy and manage database solutions of their choices over IaaS facility. On the

other hand, the Database-as-a-Service is a PaaS offering being delivered by provider.

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