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Database management has always been a significant challenge for IT enterprises. It becomesdifficult for organizations to manage critical database issues where they need to focus moreon application development and business matters. Issues like provisioning, configuration,performance tuning, privacy, backup and recovery in database management call for a dedicatedteam with significant expertise in the domain.In cloud computing model, the database offering comes under the PaaS layer. But, the cloudservice vendors have come up with exclusive cloud computing solution for database and it iscalled asDatabase-as-a-Service (DBaaS). DBaaS offers a unique platform with on-demand andself-service capability where even non-DBAs can easily fulfill their requirements. It relievesconsumers from all of the worries of critical database management issues and also reduces thecost of production.Amazon RDS,MicrosoftSQL Azure are example of DBaaS offeringsavailable in the marke

Database-as-a-Service is considered as a special category of PaaS

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