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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a buzzword with Internet marketers. In fact, it is so important for drawing targeted traffic to your site that there are companies that exist only to help you optimize your site for the search engines. Therefore, this is an introduction to SEO and how you can use it to your advantage; however, it is not an exhaustive explanation. Plus, the rules that govern how search engines read your site and how they rank your site are always changing.

There are companies that exist only to help you and other website owners optimize

sites for search engines.

However, there are some basic SEO rules that will help you with your Internet marketing by helping the search engines find your site when people are looking for information that you have on your web pages. After all, any marketing strategies you enact should be designed to drive traffic to your site in hopes that they will make a purchase or complete the action that you hope they will complete.

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