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1.2Does Email Marketing Work?

Simply put, yes, email marketing works. Of course, there is the stigma of SPAM that keeps people wondering whether or not email marketing is still effective. Email marketing, just like other forms of Internet marketing like social media marketing, is fast paced and must be adapted to. Despite sometimes being lumped in with the category of SPAM, email marketing should still be used as part of an Internet marketing strategy. Here are a few statistics to show that email marketing does, in fact, work:

• In a survey by Econsultancy in 2011, 72% of respondents said that email’s ROI (Return On Investment) was good or excellent. Organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) was the only Internet marketing component that did better.

• According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing in 2010 was expected to generate $42.08 in ROI for each dollar spent. This outperforms other channels of direct marketing, such as printed catalogs or newsletters.

• According to a 2010 report by Foresee Results, the second biggest influence to retail website visits was through emails. The biggest influence was brand familiarity.

• In a survey of more than 8,000 local US business owners by MerchantCircle, email marketing was one of the Top 3 effective marketing strategies cited by 35.8% of respondents. Social media and search engine marketing scored higher.

• Forbes Media conducted the Ad Effectiveness Survey in February/March 2009, revealing that emails and e-newsletters are considered the second most effective tool for conversion generation, right behind SEO.

• A survey from the Society of Digital Agencies reveals that 70% of brand marketers will plan to invest in email marketing for the year 2011.

• Surveyor Campaigner held a survey in 2010 that said 61% of marketers will raise their email marketing levels in 2011, while 33% of marketers will remain at consistent levels in 2011.

• In 2010, the 9th Annual Merchant Survey asked certain merchants what initiatives they will focus on for improving the performance of their websites. With 79%, the top answer cited was “send more targeted email.”

• Several surveys in 2009 found that merchants are more likely to increase their budgets on email marketing and targeting.

• Veronis Suhler Stevenson has an annual Communications Industry Forecast that, in 2009, said the total amount spent on email will be $27.8 billion in 2013, up from $11.9 billion in the year 2009.

As you can see here, many companies put quite an investment in their email marketing campaigns. They are willing to spend the money because they have seen the return on their investment.

The initial question we ask is “Does Email Marketing Work?” But to understand it even further, what we should ask ourselves is how email marketing works. There are a few major reasons that it works so well:

• You can target audiences

• Your marketing is driven by data (demographics, targeted audiences, email composition, etc.)

• You can directly sell

• You are able to build relationships, trust, and loyalty

• Your marketing and sales are supported through other channels

Email software and services these days allow businesses to target specific demographics for better efficiency when sending out emails. Additionally, there are even more advanced techniques that can personalize emails for specific people, which helps build an intimate business relationship with the customer as well as loyalty for the brand.

Your email marketing campaigns can also be monitored once you have sent out emails to customers, both current and potential. The data can be analyzed in a number of ways, including web analytics, downloads, search inquiries, and visits to promotional events and offiine stores.

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