Hospitality and Tourism Managment

$68,75 per month

SUBSCRIPTION FOR 4 weeks, 2 days



A career in hospitality provides many travel opportunities with jobs available all over the globe. When you graduate, your career options will be diverse. Consider an exciting career as a travel agent, event planner, food and beverage manager, or hotelier, or start your very own business — the sky’s the limit!

You’ll study industry trends and identify gaps to help provide creative solutions and drive new product development.

Developed with input from industry experts, the Hospitality and Tourism Management program will give you hands-on, practical education, ensuring you have the real-world knowledge and skills to succeed in the workforce.

You’ll develop a strong understanding of the hospitality industry and gain knowledge in guest experience, sales and marketing, and applied leadership, all complemented by a strong financial management foundation.

Develop high-demand qualities for all hospitality jobs, such as communication, problem-solving and interpersonal skills. The industry is fast-paced and requires adaptability, enthusiasm, and resilience. This career is perfect if you enjoy keeping busy and working within a team to achieve common goals.


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