Ethics and Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice

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What is responsible research and innovation?

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) acknowledges the potential dilemmas raised by research and innovation carried out within any discipline and through multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary work. Research produces many kinds of benefits, however there is an associated risk that it could generate unintended consequences that are not in the wider social interest.

RRI can touch upon issues of co-production; equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI); due diligence; trusted research; ethics; risk management; open research; public engagement; and evaluation. However, RRI is more than the sum of these parts, it is an ongoing process of reflection, dialogue, and action throughout the entire course of research and innovation activities where socially undesirable impacts could become apparent at any point.

RRI provides a framework that encourages researchers and diverse stakeholders to explore these potential issues in an open, inclusive, respectful, and timely manner, increasing the likelihood that research and innovation outcomes are socially desirable.

It is generally recognised that some research areas already actively implement RRI, while others are increasing their understanding of it. There may be instances where wide-ranging RRI engagement activities are necessary and others where it is not. This variable situation requires a flexible approach, and the Institution encourages all researchers to reflect on their work within the social context and have an appreciation of the underlying principles of RRI such that they can implement it when required. RRI is a collective responsibility not falling on any one group within the research and innovation ecosystem.


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