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Diploma in Digital forensic Analyst

$49,00 per month

SUBSCRIPTION FOR 4 weeks, 2 days


Gain a New Skill

Hiring managers love certifications. Seeing a certification on your resume confirms to a prospective employer the skills detailed on your resume. Having a certification goes a long way in helping a hiring manager better understand your skill level and determine that you are the right person for the position.

Prove You Have the Knowledge

A digital forensics certification program is an opportunity for you to gain a great deal of knowledge in a very short period of time. The coursework will expose you to new tools and processes as well as previously unexplored perspectives on the course topics, expanding your knowledge and broadening your experience.

Apply this new knowledge to your current role, use it as proof to your employer that you are ready to take on additional responsibilities, or use it to prove your digital forensics knowledge when pursuing new opportunities.


Some of the most highly sought after intermediate and advanced Diploma in  forensic.


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