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Android Development using Python

Many of us aspire to develop applications; however, most are stuck with the Java programming language. It is a matter of fact or, say, a living reality that we cannot know everything in this world. And it is fine to not aware if there is a substitute for it. The alternative that we are talking about here is the Python programming language that we can use instead of Java. Now, a doubt might arise – Is it possible to make an Android Application with the help of Python? The definite answer to this question is – Yes.

It is possible to develop an application based on Android using Python. Moreover, the technology is not only limited to Python; in fact, we can develop Android applications in various programming languages other than Java. One interesting fact is that Python on android is much easier than Java and much better when it comes to complexity.

Let us now understand it in depth. The primary thing to understand is that we can use different programming languages for Android application development. These languages include – Java, Kotlin, C, C++, C#, Python, Lua, Corona, HTML5, JavaScript, and various others. Moreover, these languages are easy to understand and use. There are various Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) that we can use for Android Development. IDE is an environment that allows programmers to develop applications, in this case, Android applications.

In this tutorial, we will be discovering interesting facts about Android Development with the help of the Python programming language. So, let us begin by understanding Python in brief.


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